so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Season's Reflections

The tree is up and adorned. Pretty packages are nestled beneath. The spot lights are shining on the red-bowed wreaths hanging from the windows. Christmas greetings are addressed and mailed. Music of the season has been playing for weeks. Normally I would be as giddy as a child in my preparations. Instead, my heart is heavy. It is heavy with His purpose rather than His arrival.

This week, as I browse for last minute gifts, my eye catches an ornament- a six inch nail with "forgive them" inscribed on the side. I reach for it and as I grab hold of the nail, my mind imagines His feet and hands pierced and His words echo in my mind. A tiny inkling of His pain and sacrifice sweeps over me and I am grieved. Grieved over what He had to endure to buy me. Humbled and grateful that I am loved that much. Awed that it all began with an innocent, precious baby in a manger.

In our Christmas card this year, I had printed, "May the wonder of our Savior's birth capture your heart anew". For me, it seems that it has.

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