so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Companions

There are a band of characters who've managed to weasel their way into my life along the way. Not sure when they arrived, but it seems they've always been with me. I've given them nicknames~
  • Little Orphan Annie A fatherless girl desperate for love and security, seeks to earn her way into others' hearts but usually goes unnoticed or is brokenhearted.
  • Atlas Poor guy believes the weight of the world falls on his shoulders. He takes on others' conflicts and problems and makes them his responsibility to fix. In turn, it causes him to make everything about himself.
  • Chicken Little Least little thing goes "wrong" and he goes into hysterics thinking the whole world is coming apart.
  • The Tree Hugger She can't see the forest for the trees. She focuses on the minor so that she misses the major.

Of course, they are not really people, but how my mind thinks. A few years ago I was encouraged to recognize and identify what my mind tells me about myself. Those thoughts determine how I respond to life. It was a weighty exercise. To lighten things up a bit, I decided to personify and name my thoughts. The thoughts are all lies. Here's the truth~
  • Annie is not an orphan. She is adopted, loved and cherished by her Heavenly Father who cares for her right where she is. He diligently watches over her, never leaving her alone.
  • Atlas is not meant to carry the weight of the world. He can lay his burdens and the burdens of others at the foot of the cross and place his trust and faith in God's sovereignty. He can ask the Lord to enable him to keep his eyes focused on Jesus rather than focused on self.
  • Chicken Little can be at rest. He can ask God for faith to believe all things work together for good and put his hope in the Lord.
  • The Tree Hugger can ask the Lord for wisdom to see beyond the moment.
I'm believing the lies again. I can tell because my neck is tense, my temper is short, and I've lost a sense of peace and rest. The good news is I'll be calling out to the Lord more often, knowing in my own strength I will only be overtaken, but in His strength, He'll enable me to overcome again.

You, Oh Lord, are my hope and encourager! My heart rejoices in You!


  1. Girl, you are my soul friend. You must be because as I began reading, before you even explained your post, I knew what you meant because I knew those companions. Keep writing. I am always so blessed by reading about how our Abba loves on you.

  2. :) You bless me with your encouragement, Lisa! Thank you! Praising the Lord for your sweet heart.

  3. Don't I know it! How come the lies come back to us after we have learned the truth?? I am praying, friend, for your heart to be continually encouraged and your spirit to be emboldened and steadfast against the lies of the enemy. You are talented, beautiful (inside and out)and utterly and completely loved. I know ya know it, just wanted to write it...again. :)

    Btw, in case you didn't check back, my camera is a middle of the road Canon PowerShot SX10015. :)

    Much love~

  4. Thank you for your sweet words, Michele. Much love to you too!
