so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Growing up, music was a constant in our home. Seems like the radio was constantly playing in the background and then there were eight tracks, albums, and 45's and later cassettes. I was somewhat obsessed with Barry Manilow, not him personally, but his music. As I reached adulthood, I began to understand the impact the lyrics had in my perception of the world and relationships. In ways, my perception had been distorted. It was at that point I began to be more discerning of my music choices. My husband makes fun of me. As soon as I hear a song I like musically, I want to know what the lyrics say. He doesn't know and doesn't care, he just likes it.

After a seven year disappearance, a Dove award artist has reemerged to the music scene revealing her same sex relationship. She's an incredible singer/songwriter with a gritty, folksy authenticity that immediately made me a fan when I discovered her about ten years ago. As suggested by the Dove award, her lyrics usually reflected some aspects of faith such as Refine Me, His Grace is Sufficient, and Say Won't You Say.

Personally, her music has impacted me. A few years ago, my world was completely crumbling. The Lord used her music as well as a few others to minister to me. I associate those songs with the love, power, and awesomeness of God as He met me in my pain.

So this revelation of a beloved songwriter presented a new dilemma for me. Having weeded out those songs which do not align with my Biblical-based, moral convictions, what impact if any should an artist's life choices have on my choice of music? It's one thing to listen and sing along to an amoral song and another thing to worship God with someone who has turned her back on His word. But I came to realize I am not responsible for another's heart attitude or spiritual condition. Only my own. So if the words are based in Truth and my heart is in it, my worship is still pleasing to Him.

It's interesting to me how her revelation is playing out. As a Christian artist, she was virtually unknown to anyone outside the Christian music circle. But now that her lifestyle has been revealed publicly, the world is embracing her. Larry King Live devoted an entire show to interviewing her. As a Christian artist she was ignored. As a gay Christian artist, she is "golden". Jesus said as His followers we will be despised, but yet she is now embraced.

What I've been somewhat stunned by, as I watched her appearance on Larry King Live and then later hearing the convictions of my friends outside my denominational bubble, is there are Christians who do not believe the Bible is inerrant. These Christians believe there are cultural differences and/or translation errors which make portions of the Bible irrelevant. It made for a chaotic interview because the guests disagreed on this foundational premise, which I had thought was a given within the Christian community. If God is all powerful and all knowing, seems He would preserve the integrity of His word through the ages.

The whole situation simply makes me sad for everyone.


  1. As always, I am so thankful for the transparency and honesty in your blog posts, friend.

    I am a firm, firm believer in the inerrancy of God's word. I don't believe in smorgasbord faith...taking what you like, and leaving the rest. I think it's all or none.

    Love you, dear friend~

  2. On that same note, though...I do understand that today's culture is a powerful influence in the lives of our generation and the generation of our children...even those of us who are believers. I do feel this artist is wrong, but still loved immensely by a merciful Savior. I am sad too at this news. :( I didn't know about this, I had to google it.
