In the upper left hand corner, you might have noticed a change. An updated picture. (Sorry for the size. I couldn't' figure out how to make it smaller.)
Recently, I was perusing through old photos from the past several years and ending up comparing them to recent photos. There seems to be to a difference in the way I look. No, it's not the revealing of my grey streak of hair. No, it's not the additional "maturity lines" (aka wrinkles). It's not even a somewhat gaunt look of the ever successful but in this case unnecessary "divorce diet". It's in the smile and in the eyes.
Maybe I am fooling myself, but I don't think so. Old pictures to me now look as if I have a pasted smile and half dead eyes reminiscent of a Stepford wife. (If you are younger than mid-forty and have no idea about that reference, look it up.) Recent photos, the smile seems genuine and lighter in heart. The eyes seem to express joy and contentment. It is what I feel within. It is only my Rock that I can thank for it. I am not suppose to be at a better place so soon, but I am incredibly grateful.
Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
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