so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A New Journey - 180 Degrees

November. Sick child. Late night trip to ER. Just a couple of hours of sleep. Crawl out of bed and head to church. Normally would have slept in, especially on a Sunday. We had no commitments. We did not HAVE to be there. But we unknowingly had an appointment with the Holy Spirit. One of those pivotal appointments where your heart is amazingly transformed.

AJ and I are creatures of ease. Whatever makes it simple. Whatever causes the least conflict. Peace and harmony is the goal. Our family of four is the perfect number. Not too many. Not too few. Easy to get a table at a restaurant. Easy to travel by car or by plane. Easy to stay in a hotel. Seems the world was built to accommodate a family of four.

We arrive late to church that November morning, just in time for the sermon. The pastor announces he is veering from his series for National Adoption Awareness Month. He shows a movie clip from Martian Child and preaches on supporting adoption.

There are those times when you hear a sermon and you experience conviction, i.e., I really should think/feel/do differently. Then there are those times, rare times, when your paradigm is completely shattered. You don't have to think you should think/feel/do differently, you just suddenly do!

And so in a moment our hearts and minds are completely transformed. Before, we hadn't given adoption a thought. We are very comfortable with our situation, thank you very much! The next instant, we both have a heart of compassion to those hard cases of orphans who spend their childhood in foster care, never to find their forever family.

The journey has begun....
If you watch the trailer, Cusack's line at 1:45 hooked me.


  1. Woo hoo!!!!!! Grinning here from ear-to-ear. Let me know how we can pray for you and love on you!!!!

  2. I guess that was the BIG thing you hinted at on FB. I am excited for you and can't wait to see what God has in store. Love you girl!

  3. Sounds like an incredible journey and adventure. Let me know how you're doing. Miss you!
