so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Daddy- Daughter Bond

By M.Bray

To fully appreciate this subject and what it means, first, we must understand what a daddy-daughter date is, other than the obvious. A daddy-daughter date doesn’t have to be a big production. Truly this is not what most daughters want. What we do want is simple time with dad.

Daughters often hear lots of their parents' conversations and yearn to be a part of them. The reason they don't is because they feel it would not be their place. A daddy-daughter date allows the daughter to start and carry along a conversation with an adult.

It’s not only important for the daughter but the father. There are many chances for a homeschooled girl to talk to her mother. With all this time to talk with her, the daughter may feel like she doesn’t really know her father in comparison to the relationship with her mother. In this case, a daddy-daughter date can help the father understand what is important to the daughter. Likewise the daughter can understand what is important to the father.

Now that you know why you should have a daddy-daughter date here are the do’s and don’ts.


Make a daddy-daughter date special but not over the top. A girl loves to have special things done for her but most daughters would feel guilty if you make it really big. For example, if going out for breakfast is not normal and something she likes, it’s a perfect choice. But going out for a $50 dinner and buying her a big gift may be special but over the top.

Make sure you're going somewhere she likes and will be condusive to conversation. She may love going shopping with Mom, or to the movies with friends but daughters want conversation with their fathers. Other places might make both feel awkward.


Wait for your daughter to start the conversations. At first a daughter may not know what to talk about. You should start conversations until the daughter feels more comfortable.

Talk about things you would talk to your wife about to your daughter or things she might have already heard about in previous conversations with your wife or with the whole family. She probably knows most everything she wants to about those subjects already. Only talk about it if she brings it up.

These are the things that are most important on a daddy-daughter date. Remember daddy-daughter dates are not only important but vital in order to have a lasting bond with your daughter.

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