so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Sunday, November 2, 2008

New Glasses

Forty. I was expecting some changes but am still caught off guard. One of those changes has been the sudden decline, though mild, of my eyes. I began noticing it at work when I had to shift my head backwards in order to read the numbers on my anthropometric calipers. Then it was eye strain and mild headaches when being in front of the computer for any time or reading. Being a reader, the problem could not be ignored. Bad news, I need glasses. Good news, reading glasses off a stand suffice nicely.

What a difference the right lenses can make! Now I can read without eye strain or headaches.

A few years ago, the Lord saw fit to work into my life more of His grace and reveal to me my standard keeping (aka legalism). In an effort to free myself of the yoke of legalism, there were several Christian authors I decided to put aside. Way too much legalism. Or so I thought.

I've recently read materials from those sworn off authors. Funny. I didn't notice the grace before. MY eyes were distorted. My standard keeping bent kept me from seeing the grace that was plainly there.

Thank you, Lord, for eyes that can now see Your grace.

John 9:25 ..."One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!"

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