so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Open my eyes that I may see....

because I don't.

Physically I see, I hear, I experience. But it's all processed by a mind and a heart that is sinful and scarred, making what I see skewed and distorted. Not reality. Not truth.

Recently there was another reminder. Just ask my husband. As he was driving into work, we were talking by phone. He missed his exit, became upset, and the conversation ended abruptly. Almost immediately I found myself thinking, he blames me and is upset with me.

A little later as I think through it, I realize if my husband blames me and is upset with me for missing his exit, he is incredibly immature. Well, he has not shown himself to be that way and he did not deserve me making that leap.

How often do I make undeserved assumptions or transpositions? And for what reason? For self protection, affirmation, preconceptions, deflection, or just laziness? Not just with the people in my life, but also God? The effect can build walls, divide relationships, and make for a very sensitive, difficult person to deal with.

Oh Lord, open my eyes to see not through my tainted brokenness but through Your Truth!

Psalm 43:3 "Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me."

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