so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Open Letter

Dear M. Ann,

The Lord has given you a heart, mind, and soul that craves knowledge and understanding. I commend you for seeking to fulfill this craving constructively. It is a delight to witness your excitement when the Holy Spirit reveals Truth to you. Once He reveals something to you, you willing surrender to transformation. It is a testament to His work in you.

However, dear one, let me gently remind you, you are not perfect. Your desire to conquer and move on is idealistic and unrealistic. Your impossible expectations of yourself sets you up for self inflicted guilt and condemnation which can eventually spiral into cycles of frustration and despair. It becomes an area of bondage for you.

You have the impression the sanctification process is like a lifelong series of battles. Fight, conquer, and move on to the next battle. But sin is never fully conquered (on this side of heaven). It's like an incurable disease which you can't completely control. Being the good patient - consulting the doctor regularly, submitting to diagnostic testing, taking medications diligently as prescribed, eating healthfully and exercising - doesn't immune you from setbacks. It is the same spiritually. Practicing spiritual disciplines doesn't immune you from your sinful nature.

Be kind. Rather than mentally bashing yourself into discouragement, extend yourself mercy and forgiveness, just as Jesus has extended it to you. Let it serve as a reminder of your need for a Savior and to rest in Him rather than toiling in your own strength to fix yourself. Allow it to be an opportunity to trust and claim all things work together for good - even in spite of you.

You've discovered and accepted His unconditional love. It's time you share it. And it begins within, M. Ann.

Praying His peace and rest will reside in you.

Love in Christ,


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