so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Sunday, July 19, 2009


It's been a week of firsts. CF won his first golf tournament with a score of 45. Bray had her first performance in a musical. What a joy and privilege it is to celebrate alongside my children in their accomplishments. If I were less self conscience, I would have jumped up and down cheering while pumping my fist. Instead, I settled for bragging on Facebook. They each bring me great happiness as I continue to watch them grow and bloom whether it be in tasks or character.

Lately I've reflected on the parallels between my feelings for my children and God's feelings toward His children, especially me. Throughout Scripture, God refers to His people as His children who He nurtures as a mother and protects as a father. He loves, holds, sings over, and delights in His children, just as I do in mine.

If the Lord had not blessed me with children, I don't know that I could have ever understood how deeply He cares, love and delights in me. I am so grateful as my heart is overflowing with love and joy in my children, He reminds me, He feels the same way about me...just magnified to more than I could ever imagine.

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