so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Beautiful People

My aspirations has been to be part of "the beautiful people." Smartly dressed, always smiling, seemingly without a care. Living in beautiful, professionally decorated homes with manicured lawns and driving luxury cars and SUV's. Their children dressed neatly, excelling in their extracurricular activities as well as in school, help reflect the beautiful parents having it all together.

Then on Sunday morning the whole family buckles themselves up into their luxury SUV to attend church and intermingle with other beautiful people who live similar lives. Sterile, neat, predictable. Wear the mask, play the charade, keep up the appearance.

I've played that game. It leaves me empty. It leaves me lonely. Besides, I never can quite pull it off.

Funny how the Lord can change your perspective. Still want to be one of "the beautiful people" but my definition has changed.

The truly beautiful people to me now are those who have been deeply touched by Christ. Whether it's circumstances of their own making or circumstances beyond their control, they've walked through or are walking through the refiner's fire. The difference is they are not engulfed by the flames. There is a sweet scent of Jesus that permeates from their pores. Oh they may still look the part of materially having it all together, but they are no longer owned by it. They are owned by their Saviour, giving them depth that is accepting and inviting of others.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18


  1. I love how you are able to express things. I am envious of that gift of being able to accurately express what I am feeling. I am always touched by what you write.

  2. I agree with Lisa that you have a wonderful way of expressing your heart through your words. :)

    I want to be one of those beautiful people that illuminates Christ too...

  3. *blush* Thank you, gals. I'm a person of lots of thoughts but few words (even in print) so I wonder if it makes sense. I appreciate your encouragement!
