so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Sunday, May 18, 2014


One of my preschoolers crawled into my lap during Bible time this morning.  Her hair was poofed which made it brush up under my nose and across my chin the whole time. The smell of her hair cream still lingers as the day is coming to a close. It has me thinking of all of them.

There's the hugs from an adorable blonde, who is shy and timid with her peers, but lights up when I show up or she sees me in the hallways. And the little guy, not in my class, who also crawled up into my lap one day. He looked up at the end of our Bible story time, gave me an unsolicited, "I love you." and then as an added bonus, "Thanks for letting me snuggle with you." Then another, who unexpectedly gave me the Christmas card he made during children's church.

I've had the privilege to enjoy many sweet moments over this past school year of Sundays. Wouldn't have expected it. I've worked with children at various times over the years. Haven't felt the heart tug I've had this time around. But this age, there is a sweetness, an innocence, a purity, unlike any other. Feeling a bit verklempt today as it has come to an end. All part of life, a good part of life, as we all grow and move on to bigger things.

Thanks so much, S, for asking me to teach with you! What a blessing your encouragement and friendship has been to me! Love you bunches!!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. This is so dear! We did have the sweetest, best little group! They are close to the Lord, they just left him a few years ago, and they have sinned for decades less than we have:) It was such a special year with you, too, and I'm thankful the Lord planned all along for us to be together:) love you bunches!!
