Most don't recognize exposure is God's mercy. With exposure there is hope for repentance and restoration with those relations impacted directly. Even more importantly, there is hope for repentance and restoration with God Himself. As long as the sin is hidden, the darkness grows deeper, entrenching itself in the heart and soul, eventually hardening it.
All the situations were publicly exposed. My heart breaks for the innocent who are directly and indirectly impacted. My heart even breaks for the sinners. It's difficult enough to face your sin among your loved ones. It must be incredibly difficult to do it under the scrutiny of practical strangers.
These are grave sins. There are consequences. By God's grace and mercy, though, I am no longer as arrogant and naive to think I could never slip into grave sin. It only takes one decision in a weak moment to begin sliding down a slippery slope. No one is immune to temptation. Jesus was tempted and He is the only one strong enough to resist.
What I am having difficulty with is the stone throwers (some may call them pharisees). Not involved in the circumstances and with very little information, their immediate reaction is condemnation. No compassion. No understanding. No sympathy. Just "off with their heads!" They think they are stronger, more committed, and more faithful Christians. In their minds, they'd never slip into grave sin and they detest anyone who does. (Notice who has kept them from it. Not the Lord. Themselves.) Already puffed up, their arrogance further injures the fallen. Don't remember Jesus having hostile reaction to sinners themselves. Seems He was respectful. He did respond strongly when it came to the arrogant though.
Isn't it ironic, I've stepped off in the same direction, just a different path??? For a while I've been focused on the sin of others (stone throwers), blinded to my own, and ignoring God in it. It's okay for me to be disturbed and speak Truth in love if the Lord puts me in a situation to. But it's not okay (actually, it's sin) to be consumed with their sin. Basically, we're both guilty of grabbing on to the tentacles of these situations (I say grab hold because, again, no one I am referring to is directly touched by the situations including myself), wrapping it around our own necks, and choking ourselves with it. I've put myself into a funk.
The fog is lifting. On a post-it, stuck on my bathroom mirror is written:
- Every single person is broken.
- Usually respond from brokenness.
- Don't take it personally or allow to define me.
- Only You matter, Lord.
He allowed these words to stir my compassion toward the stone throwers. My response to them is from my own broken places, so is the stone throwers toward the sinners and so is the sinners. God is still sovereign. He is working in me and around me, including these situations. Enable me to rest in You!
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