so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Still Waiting

Nothing. No phone calls. No emails. Despite leaving two messages and making two different inquiries online, we still have not heard a word from anyone on the adoption front. The kids and I chuckle when we hear the commercials on the radio encouraging people to adopt. "WE ARE HE-RE! Waiting!" And I can't go to the website very often because it simply breaks my heart.

A couple of weeks ago, AJ prompted me to try to find out what was (or not) going on.  I went over some heads and contacted the state. Our social worker unexpectedly quit that very week. Her replacement is eager but overwhelmed. Reading between the lines I suspect that means our former social worker wasn't doing her job and her replacement is swamped with back work.  *sigh!*

So we are still waiting, knowing the Lord sees the expanse of time and has His perfect plan in motion.  No, I'm not that perfect.  I have to remind myself of His sovereignty quite frequently.  

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