so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Belated Mother's Day Celebration

My kiddos decided to delay honoring me for Mother's Day until our beach escape this week. Very wise children indeed. It's been our place to relax and rejuvenate for the past 20+ years. My father-in-law joined us and treated us to dinner. But my children gave me the best presents ever! Notes of love and encouragement.

Note from CF (sent via Ipod):

Mom, your the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't deserve such a great mother. You're brave, talented, sweet, kind, caring, beautiful, and loving. I know you never would have wanted this to happen to me or MBray. You could not love us any more. I will always love you! Thanks for being the best mom in the world. I love you with all my heart and I hope life becomes better. Happy Mother's Day!

Note from MBray (via homemade card):

Dear Mommy,

                I’m not feeling particularly eloquent these days. I have to do way more talking than I’m used to. So in this Mother’s Day card I thought I would make a list of all the things I love about you, not necessarily as my mother, but as a good friend.

1.       You’re always there to listen to me. Even when I’m not making a lick of sense, you give me your full attention.
2.       You never laugh at my various eccentricities.
3.       You’ve never asked me to change for you.
4.       You’re not afraid of serious conversations.
5.       But you’re not afraid to have fun.
6.       You are loyal.
7.       You are kind.
8.       You are creative. (I envy that.)
9.       You are organized. I always know you will be on the ball.
10.   You’re reliable.
11.   You’re smart.
12.   I envy your keen research abilities.
13.   You thirst for knowledge.
14.   You’re neat. (Going to a friend’s house made me appreciate that.)
15.   You look out for other’s even when they don’t look out for you.
16.   Your relationship with God inspires me.
17.   You aren’t afraid to make mistakes.
18.   You work hard for what you desire.
19.   You can actually draw things. (I envy that too.)
20.   You are strong.
21.   We know we can count on you (and we’ll never underestimate the importance of that.)
22.   You follow God’s call to glorify him.
23.   You seek after God and encourage us to as well.
24.   You’re a little rebellious. It’s awesome.
25.   You’re beautiful.
26.   You’re just strict enough.
27.   Your timing is impeccable.
28.   You love hugs.
29.   You understand that I have my own life to make.
30.   You love me.
31.   You care about me.
32.   I know you would do anything for me.
33.   You face facts.
34.   You face your fears.
35.   You are not afraid to take charge, but you don’t have to.
36.   In fact, your whole life is in perfect balance, praise be to God.
37.   But you were willing to listen to Him. I learned that from you.
38.   You showed me how God can be an active friend. I don’t know how He did the rest, but I’m pinning that one on you.
39.   Thank you for homeschooling me. Seriously. Thank you.
40.   You can write in straight, nonslanted lines.  
41.   You are encouraging.
42.   You are healthy.
43.   I enjoy you.
44.   You enjoy doing things with me.
45.   You say sweet things to me.
46.   I cherish your laughter and the time I spend with you.
47.   You are brave and courageous.
48.   You are faithful.
49.   You are compassionate.
50.   You are our rock.

Thank you so much for your strength and understanding during this time. God has and is doing wonderful things in you. I’m praying for you and I love you so much.


These notes are a treasure! With all the uncertainty and heart brokenness we are facing, they've renewed my faith the Lord is sustaining us and beauty awaits our little family of three. We will be more than all right. We will flourish! Belated Happy Mother's Day!

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