so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love Renewed

There are times in life when I look around me and wonder - how did I get here? I could be speaking literally, I have no sense of direction, and that statement would be true. But I'm referring to spiritually and relationally.

As odd as it is to find yourself in a whole other place than you thought you were, it's kinda fun. Because when it happens, you can't take credit for it. You know Who got you there, though you're not sure how. And you are very thankful that He did.

Here I've been, plugging along with life and marriage. As Valentine's Day came upon me, I found myself anticipating the day with the same joy and hope of new found love. But instead of being new, it's twenty-one years old.

How did I get here? Don't know. Not even going to try to figure it out. For once in my life, I am setting aside my thinking cap and enjoying the moment.

I love you, AJ! Happy Valentine's Day!

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