so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Monday, July 12, 2010

Don't Forget to Celebrate

Usually my reflections and evaluations tend to be the negative kind.  I tend to measure myself against perfection. (Reluctantly admitting, I tend to measure others against perfection also.)  With perfection as the criteria, there's no hope.  So I beat myself up mentally and drive myself into despair, especially when it comes to spiritual matters.   Then, a few years ago, I was challenged to celebrate.

There's a passage in Nehemiah 8.  The people are being attentive and respectful as Ezra is reading from the book of the law.  They understand what is being read to them and are humbled and broken.  Their response is to worship, face down, mourning and weeping.  The Lord declares the day holy and instructs the people to no longer grieve- "for the joy of the Lord is your strength" (vs. 10).  So the people "celebrate a great festival because they understood the words which have been made know to them." (vs. 12).

I get the broken and humbled part.  Just like me, the people when measured against perfection, fell into despair.  Notice God didn't want them to stay in their grief though.   So what about the celebration?  What's being celebrated?

They were celebrating where the Word was working in their life.  For us, that's celebrating where Jesus is working!  And when I can't see it?  Ask God to reveal it to me and if not, give me faith to know Jesus is at work, despite what I can or cannot see (Romans 8:28, 38-39).

Since faith is not about just me and God but YOU, me, and God, the celebration can be extended to strengthen others.  Celebrate Jesus at work in my marriage, my family and those around me!

Here's an example~

For the past three years our family has been playing golf together.  AJ has been playing since college, but the kids and I were just taking it up.  Starting out, it was rough.  Very rough.   Not just the playing, but how we interacted with each other and how we each responded to our own play.  It was uncomfortably tense.  Temper tantrums.  Snippy words.  Impatience.  Discouragement.  Anger.  Not much grace, mercy, or encouragement.  *blush*

Fast forward to yesterday.  Yes, our games have improved, but if you know anything about golf, it's usually frustrating even if you are a great golfer.  Anyway, we were all way off our game.  I was actually whiffing,  and if contact was made, it was usually a slice like I hit it as a beginner.  AJ was hooking half the time which is very unlike him.  CF couldn't line his chips and putts up.  And M. Bray was hitting the big ball (Earth) instead of the little white ball.

Should have been a disaster outing.  But as M. Bray pointed out after the 5th hole, we sure have come a long way on how we act on the course.  No snapping at each other or throwing fits.  There was no tension.  It was a pleasant nine holes despite each of us struggling with our game.  So we took a moment to celebrate how the Lord has grown us in honoring and respecting one another as a family and how each of us has grown in dealing with frustration.  What an encouragement!

Instead of focusing on imperfections, celebrate the small areas where Christ is working.  Allow His work in your life increase your joy and strengthen you!  Then extend that celebration by recognizing His work in others!

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