My previous post, Open Letter: To My Mother-in-Law was posted a week before the long time hidden darkness of my ex-husband was revealed and six weeks before my mother-in-law passed away. That post about the fulfillment of my childhood dream of warmth, love, and acceptance in my family and home through the presence of the Lord has haunted me. Haunted me because I thought I had deceived myself. The dreams I had for my life and my family which I thought had come true, hadn't. Or have they?
Fleeting thoughts of the death of my dreams have flashed through my mind over these months. Now that I am secure enough to reflect on my past dreams and toy with the thought of new dreams, I realize what we have is authentic, genuine, and real. What I've sought, what I've sown, what I've invested my life in has been blessed by the Lord. I just didn't realize I was seeking and sowing on my own. My investment in my home and my children and my family and my relationship with them and with Christ has not been undone. Through the trials they have even strengthened.
As I reflect upon that I am encouraged. The Lord shines brighter and the impact of darkness grows fainter as it should. So I will continue to sow and tend my dream alone... and add a few new dreams along the way.
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