so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Friday, April 22, 2011

Our First Lenten Garden

My God-in-nature loving friend, Cathy, introduced me to the Lenten Garden.  Let me explain....

Above is the Lenten Garden representing the different occurrences of Easter weekend.  On the left is the Garden of Gethsemane.  On the top right is Golgotha.  Bottom right is the tomb where they put the body of Jesus.

My kiddos finishing up the Lenten Garden

In the Garden of Gethsemane the fern represents where Peter, James, and John fell asleep.  The pool of water signifies Jesus is the Living Water.

The path leading to Golgotha and on the hill is marked by His blood shed for our sins, represented by the red berries.

On Golgotha, the three crosses, the one of the forefront has the crown of thorns hanging from it which the soldiers placed on Jesus's head while mocking him.

The tomb before the burial.  On either side are clovers representing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

What a beautiful way to spend Good Friday morning with my kiddos.  It's Friday, but Sunday is coming!


  1. Lenten Garden...wonderful idea...

    Video...words fail me...

    Hallelujah! What a Savior!

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a wonderful way to help children remember the reason for Good Friday - Easter! Thanks for sharing.
