so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God 1Corinthians 10:31

Friday, December 31, 2010


Looking back through my journal for the year, it seems the work the Lord has been doing in my life has a theme, fear less.  From within and without He continually exposed and released me from my strongholds of fear.  It's been an incredible journey, best described as painfully beautiful.  As the year was starting to come to a close, He took it one step further.

A couple of months ago a situation was put upon my marriage.  I immediately went into protection and reaction mode.  As I wrestled with the Lord, He made it clear my response is getting in His way.  The situation was not for me to handle.  The Lord knew about it and revealed it in His timing.   But it was between Him and A.J.

So I let go.

One of the beauties of the gospel is one dies to self so that all may live in freedom.   A portion of the gospel played out before my eyes as I witnessed A.J. selflessly sacrifice from a pure heart in relation to me.  What happened next was unexpected.  Immediately shackles of fear were exposed and fell away from ME! Fear in relationships, fear in taking risks, fear in failure discarded.

Supernaturally my fear was replaced with more courage and security in who the Lord created me to be.  I began stepping out with boldness, a HUGE step for me.  The biggest step?  Starting my own cottage business. Fear would have blocked my way in the past.  But fear has faded as His Light shines brighter within me.

Whether my business flourishes or struggles is beyond the point.  The point is the supernatural power of the gospel directly and indirectly in setting a person free. Who knew He allowed us to participate in the process of setting another free through our own selfless sacrifice?  The gospel transforms beyond salvation.  It has the power to transform in the everyday.

In the final leg of this 2010 journey, He took me beyond fearing less and into being FEARLESS!   He used the free choice of another to accomplish it.  I continue to be completely amazed and blown away by Him!

1 comment:

  1. I am thrilled for you. Praise God!!

    BTW: Your cake pops were so delicious. Andrea and I tried to make some because we wanted more over the holidays and they tasted nothing like yours.
